Hi, I’m Adriana!
I’m a sobriety coach helping people to quit drinking and create bigger and better lives that don’t revolve around booze.
I know firsthand what it’s like to drink more than you want to. That was me for a number of years. I kept telling myself I didn’t need to stop because I didn’t have a problem. And maybe I didn’t have a “real” problem.
From the outside, I was doing fine, but my life felt chaotic and overwhelming—everything was happening to me, and I was just a passive observer.
I knew I was relying on alcohol a bit too much, but for a long time, I didn’t really want to quit. I thought my life would be boring if I weren’t drinking, and I worried my friends would stop hanging out with me. I truly believed I would miss alcohol and feel deprived all the time.
But the opposite happened instead!
It took me months to get there—months of trying to moderate and negotiating with myself and starting over again—but once I finally decided to quit for real, my life became richer and more interesting than I ever could have imagined.
Don’t get me wrong—everything wasn’t suddenly perfect the moment I stopped drinking. But a lot of things did get better and easier!
I am physically healthier now, and I don’t get overwhelmed as easily as I used to, because I know I can face whatever comes my way. I have more energy and I don’t procrastinate as much, so I am more productive and do more fun things. My relationships are stronger, and I’m nicer to myself too.
And guess what: I don’t miss alcohol at all! I don’t need it, I don’t want it, I don’t really think about it. I am free.